Some background
I consider products to be living things inside their larger ecosystem & context. I work on/with companies/projects where the product is a taken as one, if not the, central piece and it's been considered holistically, critically, and yet, outcome-based.
As a trained software engineer with more than 20 years of experience, I know the ins and outs of building digital products and what it takes to operate them.
Some work experience
Recently I've been leading and steering the initiatives to move away from MVP to In-House build products at to enable scaling of the Startup.
I’ve created high-level Proof of Concepts for international corporations, built the 2nd most significant site in the adidas eco-system, built custom dashboards that made millions of Recruiting Data-Points actionable but also did last-minute tracedumps to solve an issue that would have prevented a nation wide rollout of a POS.
- Been Partner & Managing Director of an agency
- Build internal-enabler-products to bridge legacy (SAP) systems to allow launching public products for international supermarket chains and hardware manufacturers whose names you know, but I can’t talk disclose
- Co-Founded 2 Startups
- Co-ran an innovation lab at Bertelsmann
- Semi-automated a Laser-cutting business
- AI-assisted content creation
- I was managing & coding a Social Network long before Facebook